We can’t wait to see you in Stroudsburg in May!

To complete your registration for the New Attendee Retreat we will need to collect some information from you. You will need to:
- Review and sign the release forms
- Upload a copy of your vaccination card.
- Fill out the travel form here! (If you are flying please be prepared to share your flight information. If you want to carpool either from the airport or connect with others who are driving check out the carpool document.)
- Complete the ticket below with your registration information. Please have your medical information, including emergency contact, insurance, medication lists, and dietary information close by as you fill out the ticket.
Please complete all of these registration items BEFORE March 15th, 2023 or your spot will not be held!
Once you are registered, check out our FAQ for more information!
If you have any additional questions, please email: events@girlswithguts.org OR president@girlswithguts.org