
Being a girl who focused on having a flat stomach, a stoma was a nuisance. Now, don’t get me wrong, I welcomed my ileostomy with open arms knowing that it would lead me on to a better life. And even though my ostomy was a bit awkward, I was still beautiful. While I was in the hospital I had multiple friends visit me, one even poked my stoma through the bag. My girlfriends made me feel so great. But at the time, I was dating a new guy. He, unlike my friends, could not handle my stoa. You know that terrified shriek you hear in horror movies? That’s the sound he made every time he even caught a glimpse of Stan, my stoma. As a 16 year old girl, that was self-esteem killer. So I did what I needed to, I booted him. I was not going to let another dictate how well I looked. I have pictures of my removed colon and my old stoma on my phone (talk about a conversation starter). My friends and strangers love seeing them! In the words of a fellow teenager, “Duuuuude. That’s cool!” They knew what I looked like under my bag and they loved it! There will always be people who describe ostomies as disgusting; my ostomy was not, nobodys is. Stan, the stoma, gave me my beautiful life back and he deserves that praise. A toast to stomas! Now I have reversed my stoma to continue life as a J-Poucher. Although I’ll admit my “dirty” wound has some less than pretty qualities, I can’t wait to show off my scars. As I’ve seen before, “scars are just tattoos with stories.”

What to expect when you’re expecting… with an ostomy Chronically Inspired

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  1. ivana says:

    Wow, what an amazing outlook on stomas, iliostomys and life in general:) I have a question for you ans even your doctor?

  2. Debra W says:

    You are such a strong person! Kudo’s!

  3. Samie says:

    I’m having my surgery today and the nurse advised I check out this site. I have to say after 5 years of being treated like a lab rat to treat a rare form of panenteric dysmotility (colovisceral myopathy) I know feel much more positive. I am 27 years of age and have a 7 year old son. I have had no quality of life for the past 5 years and am hopeful to get some of that back with my stoma. I hope it all goes well and will keep you posted. Thanks so much for your blog it’s made me feel confident that I will be able to live my life again xxx

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