

Anemia is a common manifestation of IBD afflicting approximately 33% of patients (Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation). This fact sheet discusses what individuals with IBD need to know about anemia, ways to prevent anemia, and treatments for it.

View and Read the Anemia Fact Sheet

Bone Health

This fact sheet discusses what individuals with IBD who are at a heightened risk of low bone mineral density, osteopenia and osteoporosis need to know about their bone health.

View and Read the Bone Health Fact Sheet

Joint Pain

This fact sheet discusses joint pain, which can be a common complaint for patients with IBD. Up to 15-20% of Crohn’s patients and 10% of UC patients will experience arthritis (an inflammatory condition of the joints leading to pain and stiffness with movement) at some point in their lifetime, while 40-50% of individuals with IBD will experience arthralgia (a condition in which inflammation of the joints is not present, yet pain and stiffness still preside.)

View and Read the Joint Pain Fact Sheet

Eye Health

Approximately 4-12% of individuals with IBD will experience ocular (eye) manifestations, which include episcleritis, scleritis, uveitis and keratopathy. This fact sheet discusses eye manifestations associated with inflammation, disease activity, and medication side-effects.

View and Read the Eye Health Fact Sheet


Fatigue is a common underlying issue for many individuals with IBD and ostomy. This fact sheet discusses what is known about fatigue related to IBD and ostomy, tips for managing fatigue, and additional resources.

View and Read the Fatigue Fact Sheet

Kidney Health

Individuals with IBD and ostomies may be predisposed to particular kidney (also sometimes referred to as renal or nephrological) manifestations due to malabsorption, dehydration or use of certain medications. This fact sheet discusses the impact that IBD and ostomy have on kidney health, treatment options, and preventing kidney dysfunction.

View and Read the Kidney Health Fact Sheet

Liver Health

It is estimated that approximately 5% of the individuals with IBD will experience a liver condition associated with their IBD (Patel). This fact sheet discusses liver health in general and considerations for individuals with IBD.

View and Read the Liver Health Fact Sheet

Skin Health

IBD and ostomies are associated with a number of varying skin complications including erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum, acrodermatitis enteropathica, Sweet’s syndrome, Bowel-associated dermatosis-arthritis syndrome (BADAS), fistulae, fissures, skin tags, psoriasis, secondary amyloidosi, and vitiligo. These skin complications can arise as a result of inflammation from disease activity, trauma from disease/surgeries, associated medication use and other proposed mechanisms. This fact sheet provides an overview of these skin complications, treatments, and prevention.

View and Read the Skin Health Fact Sheet

Mental Health

IBD and ostomies are not conditions solely affecting the physical – mental health manifestations should be a consideration for any individual with IBD and/or an ostomy. Individuals with IBD and ostomies are at particular risk of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, eating disorders, and body image dissatisfaction. This fact sheet discusses mental health conditions associated with IBD and ostomy.

View and Read the Mental Health Fact Sheet

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