
My name is Ainsley and I am a third grade teacher from a small town in Southeastern Ohio. I don’t have children yet, but I am hoping to adopt soon. Right now, my adorable lab-border collie mix, Ariel, fills my heart and my free time.

How did you learn about Girls With Guts?

I stumbled upon Girls With Guts while searching for IBD information on social media shortly after I was diagnosed.

Why did you decide to volunteer with Girls With Guts?

Girls With Guts has been an amazing resource for me. It’s so comforting to connect with women who “get it”. I wanted to give back to this awesome community, and I am on Facebook all the time anyway, so Forum Moderator is a great fit for me.

When you are not volunteering with Girls With Guts what do you do with your time?

I collect Harry Potter Lego sets. I can sit and build for hours. I also like experimenting with my Cricut (craft cutting machine). Of course, my favorite hobby is exploring the beautiful Appalachian woods with my sweet pup.



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