

Image of a sign that states “Vaccination Clinic Here.”

Image of a sign that states “Vaccination Clinic Here.”

Researchers are still working to understand how COVID-19 and the new COVID-19 vaccines impact people diagnosed with IBD. Several studies are currently underway to address knowledge gaps and better determine the vaccines’ effectiveness and impact on those with IBD. While the research to date indicates these vaccines are safe for people with Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis, it is still unknown how long the vaccines will last and the overall quality of immunity over time.

In addition to this research about the COVID-19 vaccine efficacy within the IBD population, there are also ongoing studies to better understand the impact COVID-19 has on IBD patients. These studies have already yielded important information, such as how different IBD medications impact the severity of COVID-19. The following studies and registries are one way IBD patients can participate in research to help inform the collective understanding of COVID-19 and vaccination.

Vaccine Studies

Coronavirus Risk Associations and Longitudinal Evaluation (CORALE) Vaccine Registry

Photo of a researcher using laboratory equipment by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Photo of a researcher using laboratory equipment by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

CORALE-V is a study conducted by Cedars-Sinai to better determine and understand the effects of vaccination against COVID-19 within the IBD population. This study is available to participants throughout the United States with options to participate remotely or in-person. As part of this study, the research team at Cedars-Sinai will evaluate the antibody levels related to vaccination and share those results with participants. To learn more or enroll in the study, visit:

Prevent COVID

Prevent COVID is a research study to learn more about how the COVID-19 vaccine works in people diagnosed with IBD. In this study, participants who have received the COVID-19 vaccine in the last 60 days are asked to complete a total of eight surveys over the study period. Participants in this study will also have the option to complete two blood draws to check the antibody response. To learn more or enroll in this study, visit:

COVID-19 Registries and Studies

Photo of a researcher using a research device on a brown bottle by CDC on Unsplash.

Photo of a researcher using a research device on a brown bottle by CDC on Unsplash.

Surveillance Epidemiology of Coronavirus Under Research Exclusion (SECURE-IBD)

The SECURE-IBD registry was designed to quickly determine the impact of COVID-19 on patients with IBD. Information from this registry is already leading to an improved understanding of how COVID-19 impacts people with IBD. The registry is an international database for adult and pediatric IBD patients who have had a confirmed case of COVID-19. This registry is a voluntary reporting system that a patient’s healthcare provider fills out after time has passed to determine the course of COVID-19 through resolution. To learn more, visit

COVID-19 risk anonymous survey on patients with and without IBD

This study is a one-time anonymous survey to measure the impact of covid-19 on risk perception, social behaviors, medical decision-making, and quality of life of people with IBD. The study aims to better understand how infectious outbreaks impact people with IBD and evaluate strategies related to lessening their devastating potential. To learn more about this study or to fill out the anonymous survey, visit:

Additional Registries, Research Opportunities, and Information

In addition to the information discussed in this blog, there are other studies and registries worldwide aimed to increase understanding of COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination related to IBD. One’s IBD clinic or gastroenterologist can answer questions about available research studies, and they can also be found with a search at the U.S. Library of Medicine (

For more information about COVID-19 vaccination and IBD, check out the following articles:


• About The Author
From a small town in Vermont, Jenny is a freelance writer and researcher. When she was nine years old, she, like her father and grandmother, was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. Jenny attended Franklin Pierce University, where she majored in Philosophy and Sociology and completed her M.S. in Human Service from Springfield College. After a proctocolectomy in her early 20s, Jenny entered a period of remission, where she learned the joy of living a full life with an ostomy. Unfortunately, this remission period ended with a severe Crohn's flare that changed her life. As she sought how to cope with this life-changing disease recurrence, Jenny was immediately drawn to Girls with Gut's mission and vision. As the Director of Communications, she is excited to be part of an organization and larger advocacy movement that ensures that no one has to navigate IBD/ostomy life alone.
Taryn’s UC Journey Living With an Ostomy

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