
How did you learn about Girls With Guts?


Why did you decide to volunteer with Girls With Guts?

I wanted to volunteer because I wanted to gain exposure working in social media and marketing so I can add that to my resume to help me for future job opportunities. I love what the mission is and can relate to the company on a personal level which makes me more passionate about the work I will be doing. One of my life dreams is to be a motivational speaker and eventually be on TedTalk. This is a great starting point for me and my dreams.

When you are not volunteering with Girls With Guts what do you do with your time?

When I will not be volunteering I am typically reading a spicy dark romance or being with work or school. I am getting my Master’s in Professional Communication and applying to doctorate programs. I also work as a Children’s Advocate for a domestic abuse shelter, which I find very rewarding. I also love to cook and bake things for my family and friends and if I am not stress cleaning I am usually cuddling with my husband and yorkie peaches watching Netflix.

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