

We asked our community for their tips on essentials a college with IBD and/or Ostomy should have in their backpack to get through a day of classes.

  • “Wipes, extra undies, extra pants (I usually roll a thin pair of yoga pants up and put them at the bottom), meds in a small pillbox, Gatorade, tums and Imodium, vomit bags (you can get them off Amazon), and thermacare heat packs for the tummy”
  • “Snacks. Water. List of medications for an emergency. Pain medicine, CBD lotion or other pain management supplies “
  • “Travel size poo~pourri helps so much with bathroom anxiety.”
  • Extra ostomy supplies!!! Tylenol, and water
  • “I bring- stoma bag things, flushable wipes, spare clothes and tape just in case my ng tube sticker comes off”
  • Tylenol, phenergan/Zofran, stomach meds for cramps, water bottle (something to keep you hydrated), gum (prevents cotton mouth from meds), journal to write things down (keeps my stress down), a bathroom card, and a jacket!
  • “Your preferred brand of TP, preparation H, wet wipes (always throw in the trash), underwear, water. Personally, cold helps my gut cramps more than heat, so if you find that works for you, keep that water bottle nice and cold with ice to hug to your abdomen when the pain hits. Also, a nice gentle on *your* gut snack. Baby wipes & a change of clothes just in case of any accidents. I lived (still do) in leggings most of the year so they don’t take up much backpack space.Also, electrolytes tablets you can drop in a water bottle. Even before my colectomy, my colon wasn’t working well so I was always suffering from dehydration.”
    Anti-nausea (OTC ginger chews or Zofran is a staple for me). Crackers too – low residue snacks were always safer for me especially if a flare snuck up on me.


New Student To Do

Check out our “To Do List” for new college students with IBD:

View Blog


Final Exams

Check out our “A Final Exams Guide for Girls With Guts” for college students with IBD or ostomy:

View Blog


Reasonable Accommodations

Women with IBD or an ostomy are eligible to receive reasonable accommodations. Our community notes that in addition to the supplies listed above that these accommodations are incredibly helpful. Some GWGs say:

  • “Find out about student accommodations!!!! a true lifesaver!”
  • It is helpful to get “ a note from the doctor or the office for students with disabilities so that your professor can help make reasonable accommodations”
  • “As a college administrator, I cannot stress enough the importance of registering with your disability office for accommodations.”


On the blog, we break down the history of these accommodations, which include excused absences for medical appointments and access to the bathroom during testing. In addition we also provide a guide to requesting and receiving them. Check out these informative blogs below:

Stories on the blog about Attending College with IBD and/or Ostomy

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