
How did you learn about Girls With Guts?

After having surgery in 2020 I started my own Instagram page dedicated to spreading awareness about IBD and fostering a community with others who have experienced similar things. Through searching IBD related hashtags I came across the Girls With Guts Instagram, I really resonated with the emphasis on women empowerment and confidence with IBD and ostomies.

Why did you decide to volunteer with Girls With Guts?

Growing up I didn’t know anyone my age who had Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, similarly after my ostomy surgery I didn’t know anyone my age with an ostomy. Having followed Girls With Guts for a few years and really enjoying the community and sense of belonging that I felt with them I jumped at the opportunity to volunteer when they had posted about openings. I feel that I would have benefited significantly had I found this community at the start of my diagnosis, so I hope that I can be the person I needed for somebody else.

When you are not volunteering with Girls With Guts what do you do with your time?

Currently I am working on getting my acupuncture diploma, so when I am not volunteering I am usually studying. I also love to be outdoors, practice yoga and bake. I also love to read, listen to music and paint often.

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